New Discover the James Website Launched!

This site has been 10 years in the making.  The James River Fishing School started in 2001 and today it has changed into something wonderful ... a full guide service for fishing, historical and wildlife outings.  I hopy you enjoy the site ...  -- Capt. Mike

Photo Right:  Here is an image of my favorite eagle on the James River, 'Bandit'.  It's an artsy, photoshoped image.  The picture wasn't sharp, so I took it into photoshop and gave it a 'colored pencil' filter and this is what happened.  I hope I am able to post photos of 'Bandit' for the next 25 years.  Bald eagles live to be 35 years, and I'm guessing this beautiful girl is less than 10 years old because of her inability to build a long standing nest.  I love this bird.   -- Photo by Capt. Mike